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Prospective Member Information

Who May Join?

Membership in TRRC is open to U.S. citizens who are at least 18 years of age. Membership runs for one year from the date of joining. To join Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club, prospective members must attend a new-member class. Advance reservations are required to attend. Reservations open 30 days before a class.

Cost of Membership and How to Pay


The cost for a new membership:

  • $75 - one-time initiation fee
  • $100 - annual membership dues
  • $60 + tax – Individual annual range-use fee
  • $90 + tax – Family annual range-use fee (member and spouse) *

* A family membership enables the spouse full use of club facilities for only $30 extra per year. Children can be guests of their parents any time but are not included in the family membership.


Volunteer Opportunities


Any member may choose to reduce the cost of his/her membership renewal to as little as $60 + Tax, by volunteering at the club, as follows:


By putting in volunteer work on an individual project or at one or the spring or fall work parties.

By volunteering time and talents on any of several programs or committees such as the Range Safety Officer (RSO) program, membership committee, newsletter editor, or the Wednesday morning range maintenance team. Each of these are always looking for new volunteers


The credit for this work is $10 per hour worked, to a maximum credit of $100.

All work credits require approval by a Director or Officer in charge of the project or program, and required to be credited to membership prior to renewal. Once approved, please email your volunteer hours to, to ensure they are recorded correctly and credited to your account.

How to Reserve a Spot in a New Member Class

E-mail and provide the following information:

  • Full name (and spouse full name, if your spouse will join as well, making a family membership)
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • E-mail (use the e-mail where you want your dues invoice sent)
  • Brief summary of your shooting experience, and that of your spouse, for a family membership
  • Please indicate the date of the new member class and that you are able to attend
  • If successful, you will receive a confirmation email later on the signup day. The email will have the information for attending the class.
  • The dues invoice will be emailed three days prior to the New Member class and must be prepaid prior to attending.


  1. A family membership is a membership where both the primary member and the member's lawful spouse can join together for a reduced price.
  2. For a family membership, both the prospective member and spouse must attend the new member class.
  3. The spouse will have his/her own badge and full use of club facilities.

New Member Class Information

  • The classroom training takes about one hour, and the range orientation takes another hour, which includes a walking tour of club facilities. Please dress for the weather. If you are unable to walk the grounds, please indicate what assistance is required when you reserve your spot in the class.
  • Class begins promptly at the time indicated. If you arrive after the class starts, you will not be allowed into the class. Arrival about 10 to 15 minutes early is best. An online payable invoice will be emailed to you several days before the class. This invoice must be prepaid prior to attending the class.
  • Prospective members will be required to provide photo identification and sign a statement that they are familiar with the basic rules of firearms safety and will follow TRRC rules and policies.
  • New members are provided copies of the TRRC Range Rules.

New Member Class Dates

  • February 8, 2025, 1pm – New Member Training and Range Orientation (CLASS FILLED - no openings)
  • May 10, 2025, 1pm – New Member Training and Range Orientation (we will be taking reservations only on April 12, 2025. There is no waitlist)

TRRC Pistol Qualification Program

  • In order for any member to shoot a pistol anywhere at the Club (Main or Pistol Ranges), a member must complete the Pistol Qualification Program.
  • Pistol Qualification training is held on the Saturday following new member training at 9:00am sharp, in the classroom.
  • The program involves a one hour classroom training session, held in the Club's classroom, followed by a shooting and gun handling test done at the Pistol Range. The shooting test is performed using your own pistol and ammunition. It involves loading and shooting a total of 10 rounds, in three separate stages. The member is evaluated on safe handling skills and the ability to hit a 2' by 2' target, placed at 15 yards, with all 10 rounds. The member must also demonstrate the ability to properly clear a jam or malfunction.
  • The shooting and gun handling test will be performed at the Pistol Range immediately after the classroom training. NRA certified firearms instructors will be available at the Pistol Range during this time to provide assistance and training to members. This instruction is available to members before they attempt qualification, if they desire, or if questions arise during their shooting test.


Contact the membership committee at:

8503 Chambers Creek Road West

University Place, WA 98467

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